Build Productive Teams With Time Tracking Software

Optimize your team's efficiency with our automatic time tracking software, designed for seamless management of all team types. It tackles inefficiencies, corrects timekeeping errors, and delivers insights to improve productivity and workflow.

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Available for:

End Your Accuracy Woes With Time Tracking


No More Payroll Errors

Say goodbye to inaccurate time records and estimates. You can confidently track every hour spent to eliminate guesswork and ensure fair compensation.


Fulfil Productivity Gaps

Identify inefficiencies, eliminate distractions, and optimize workflows. This will increase productivity, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.


Say Goodbye To Time Theft

Download Android and iOS apps to track the team’s time from anywhere, whether you’re in the office, at home, or on the go.


Automated Time Tracking Enhances Productivity

Automate your time-tracking processes to eliminate manual entries, significantly reduce errors, and reclaim valuable hours that could be better spent on strategic tasks.

Automated Timesheets Group 1000015894 Group 1000015643

Automated Timesheets

No more tedious manual spreadsheets. Use detailed timesheets to simplify work hours management, get accurate records, and streamline project billing.

  • Accurate, effortless  records
  • Pay employees correctly without hassle
Automated Timesheets

Eliminate Human Errors

End your time discrepancies by eliminating the risk of human error. This ensures accurate time records and prevents errors in payroll or project billing.

  • Precise time records without error
  • Dispute-free and timely billing
Group 1000015894

Better Time Analysis

Gain a clear understanding of how your time is spent. Track time trends, pinpoint time-consuming activities, and identify opportunities for optimization.

  • Track usage patterns
  • Spot inefficiencies, enhance productivity



Group 1000015643
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Better Visibility

Gain Complete Transparency With Real-Time Data

Group 1000017163 Group 1000017164

Optimize Time Allocation

Get a clear picture of how your team allocates their time across multiple tasks. It helps you identify areas where time is properly utilized to improve time management.

  • Clear time utilization
  • Enhanced time management
Group 1000017163

Detailed Insights

Track time spent by your employees down to the minute and get real-time data that provides detailed insights. This allows you to monitor time usage and identify any inconsistencies.

  • Minute-by-minute tracking
  • Identify weak areas
Group 1000017164

Make Informed Decisions

Based on the most up-to-date information, you can adjust timelines, prioritize tasks, and optimize workflow. This empowers you to make quality decisions to optimize your workflow.

  • Adjust timelines, prioritize tasks
  • Optimize your workflow
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Achieve More: Optimize Time Tracking & Workforce Coordination




A multi-national marketing firm, boosted overall efficiency.

Increase Your Team Productivity



A Delhi-based startup achieved 30%+ increased ROI with Workstatus.

Enhance Your Business ROI
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Grow Together

Simplified Time Management For Remote & Hybrid Teams

Effectively oversee the time and contributions of remote and hybrid teams, ensuring balanced workloads, seamless collaboration, and enhanced coordination across various locations.

Group 1000016027 readtime Group 1000016069

Web-Based Time Tracker

Get an easy way to keep a tab on time spent by remote & hybrid members. This eliminates the confusion of scattered time records and provides a single source for accurate time.

  • Unified time records
  • Accurate, single-source data
Group 1000016027

Actionable Time Data

Get insightful data on how remote and hybrid teams spend their time to understand individual contributions, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.

  • Insightful time usage data
  • Track progress, improve areas

Better Accountability

Automated time tracking provides accountability for both managers and team members. This fosters trust and confidence, knowing everyone is contributing their fair share. 

  • Fosters trust and confidence
  • Ensures fair contributions
Group 1000016069
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Insightful Data

Improve Teams' Productivity With Time Analytics

Comprehensive time analytics help to refine workflows and drive substantial productivity gains leading to better organizational performance.

Group 1000015688 Time & Activity Reports Group 1000016070

Uncover Hidden Bottlenecks

Detailed time analytics allow you to identify tasks that consume excessive time, revealing hidden bottlenecks hindering productivity. This data can then streamline processes and optimize workflows.

  • Reveal productivity bottlenecks
  • Streamline processes, optimize workflows
Group 1000015688

Identify Poor Work Habits

Track individual contributions on every task to bring a culture of accountability and encourage employees to maintain high performance.

  • Spot inefficient habits
  • Reduce multitasking, minimize distractions
Time & Activity Reports

Better Performance

Time-tracking data can help you identify productivity patterns to achieve better performance outcomes. This allows for more efficient time utilization and a more productive workflow.

  • Identify productivity patterns
  • Enhance time utilization, boost workflow
Group 1000016070
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The One-Stop Solution For Accurate Time Tracking

Group 1000017731

Timesheet Approvals

Managers can review and approve timesheets of employees. Better team management leads to better outputs.

Reminders To Track Time

Set automated reminders to ensure you track time throughout the day, including breaks and idle time.

Idle Time-out

Workstatus automatically tracks employees’ idle time on the machine and sends them a personal reminder to either let it remain off or add an idle time entry with a note.

Track Time-offs, Holidays & Breaks

Employees can request time off, leave, or plan a vacation. Managers can view, accept or reject the requests. Using this data streamline your shift planning & assigning projects for on-time deliveries

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Use Cases

Why Should You Use Workstatus™?

streamline billing

Streamlining Billing: Transparent Automated Time Tracking

An innovative solution to eliminate manual entry to ensure accurate and real-time records for your billing needs.

Boost Retail Output

Boost Retail Output By 81% With Smart Time Tracking Software

You can easily see what staff are doing in real-time for better planning of shifts and staffing to drive more sales.

Geofence -enabled attendance

Geofence-Enabled Attendance Tracking

Seamlessly capture and monitor employee attendance for accurate resource allocation and operational excellence.


Workstatus for All Devices

Our lightweight app allows you and your team to track time, no matter where you are. With GPS tracking and geofences, anyone can clock in automatically when they enter a job site or get reminders based on location.

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Workstatus account required to use apps

User Guide

Got Queries? We Have Answers

1. What can be expected from employees' time tracking apps?

The employee time tracking system will track every detail related to how employees’ work time is used and give you reports on how best the time can be utilized to make your employees more productive.

Here are a few of many more features and benefits you need to expect from your time tracker:

  • Productivity Reports: You can generate detailed reports about employee productivity and work on ways to improve.
  • Notifications & Reminders: Reminders can be set and sent to employees for certain tasks during certain hours. Likewise, auto-push notifications can be set to keep employees aware of your expectations.
  • Time management: An efficient time tracking solution should be able to allow managers as well as employees to manage their time being more productive.
  • Mobile Access: The best employee time tracking app should be available and compatible with all devices and all recent stable versions, mobile access being most important for users on the go.
  • Location Tracking: With remote working being common for most businesses, location tracking has become a must sought after feature.
  • Dashboards: An easy and intuitive dashboard will only be helpful to the managers to understand patterns, get analytics, and make the right decisions.
  • Workstatus has time tracking options as well as many advanced features. Click here for a free trial now and experience yourself.

2. How does employee time tracking software work to give the best employee productivity?

Time tracking software for employees helps you monitor and optimize the use of the most precious resource – Time. Workstatus lets you work in 3 simple steps – Track/Record -> Analyze -> Optimize.

Here is what all you can expect from Workstatus, a feature-rich online time-tracking software to ensure optimum productivity –


  • Track Time using a timer
  • Track Apps and websites visited
  • Record Time in timesheets
  • Track budget and progress


  • Time reports in a calendar
  • Reports on time with smallest breakdowns
  • Generate cost analysis and profits reports
  • Export reports as PDF, CSV, Excel


  • Schedule tasks and shifts
  • Manage leaves and holidays
  • Manage productivity patterns
  • Manage team activities

Also, Workstatus the online time tracking software helps managers to track employee hours and productivity across a company. Workstatus tool comes with automated alerts to make sure your team is doing their best every day.

You can use the detailed reports for other insights as well such as what projects employees are working on or any other details you want to keep organized to enhance the productivity of your organization.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve your current business, Workstatus will be there to assist you at every step of the way.

3. What all can be tracked with Workstatus time tracking tool?

Workstatus the best employee time tracking software tracks everything that you need to calculate your employees’ work hours and productivity. A manager can track –

  • Work time – employees total time worked, split in daily, weekly and monthly timesheet reports.
  • Project time – individual as well as team time spent on a project to know total project time and cost.
  • Task time – employees time spent on different tasks allocated. Helps in finding bottlenecks, if someone is spending longer hours than anticipated on a particular task.
  • Overtime – an automated track of extra work hours spent by employees to calculate overtime.
  • Leave time – if any employee is on leave, time tracking will not start and attendance will not be marked. Managers can easily track leaves.
  • Break time – In between breaks tracked to know employees productive and nonproductive hours spend on any day.
  • Billable hours – easily track employees paid time and in-house time, identify the billable hours and raise invoices to clients.
  • Project Expenses – based on billable employees time spend on any project, total project expenses can be calculated easily.
  • Idle time – time tracker apps also tracks the employees idle time which can be because they forgot to turn off timer during breaks or they were attending meetings. For official work, employees can add idle time with a justified reason, manually, which will be approved by managers before adding to the system.

All in all, with a time tracker for employees, employers can track a lot of work-related information such as emails sent and received, keystrokes, apps, and URLs used by employees during the workday. It helps businesses to ensure that office time is used productively by employees.

4. Why is time tracking important for being more productive? How to track employees hours?

Time is money. It seems like a common phrase, but it couldn’t be more true. When you’re managing multiple tasks at once, it can be hard to keep track of where your time is going, how long each task took, and which tasks should take priority.

You need to know exactly how much effort goes into each task so you can assess their worthiness based on the amount of hours spent on them. This makes a time tracking tool an integral part of any productive system.

In order to set effective goals and deadlines, you need to know how much time is being spent on each project. With Workstatus, you can stop your team from putting time and effort into useless tasks and focus on their core competencies. Its functionality gives your team an easy way to record their hours and track their progress from one task to another.

With powerful online time tracking software like Workstatus, you’ll be able to get everything done in less time and focus more of your energy on doing what matters most making sure all of your projects are executed appropriately.

With the time tracker for employees, you can make sure every minute counts by helping keep track of exactly where it’s going so that no precious moments are wasted in being unproductive. This will ensure that every hour put into a project contributes towards its completion and organizational growth.

5. What are the technical requirements for employee time tracking software by Workstatus?

Being the best employee time tracking software and app, Workstatus is compatible with all operating systems and browsers.

On desktops/laptops, Workstatus is available for Windows, Linux and Mac systems.

Mobile device compatibility is available for iOS and Android phones. The time tracker app by Workstatus also offers time tracking software with screenshots and a web-based interface that can be accessed from any browser using any operating system.

Although there are no required technical specifications necessary to use the employee time tracker tool by Workstatus, we strongly recommend stable internet connectivity in order to experience optimal performance by the tracker which will eventually reflect on employee timesheets and reports online.

If you have any specific query, please don’t hesitate to contact us so that our representatives can answer your questions!

6. Does employee time tracking software work offline too?

During work from home or work from remote locations, internet continuity can be a challenge but don’t worry, and you can continue to rely on Workstatus’ employee time tracking software that will record timesheets even when the employee is offline.

Once the timer is turned on, it will continue to count every second, minute, and hour spent on a job. The time tracker will track your offline work hours and sync with the server once the connection is re-established. Therefore, with Workstatus internet connectivity issues are never a reason to lose any offline productivity measurement. (That means no more I was working, but my computer crashed excuses!).

In addition to keeping detailed records of your working hours while you are offline, you can also schedule tasks, projects, and meetings directly from within Workstatus to make sure that no productivity is wasted. You can access these schedules once you’re back online.

This feature makes using Workstatus suitable for freelancers as well who require a reliable and easy-to-use time tracker, so they never lose a minute of their billable work. As soon as, they gain access to an internet connection again, they can continue where they left off by seamlessly synchronizing their project data between their computers and other devices.

7. Does the task time tracking app, Workstatus, track the employee location too?

Yes, you can view the location of every employee in real-time using our software. Our tracker is pretty accurate, which will allow you to keep track of where each employee is at all times.

This feature is specially useful for remote teams and in-field teams. You can geofence your job sites. You can ensure that your on-client-site employees are marked time-in as soon as they enter the geo-fenced location and marked time-off when they leave this site. This feature will work in combination with GPS tracker to track their exact location.

For field workforce management too, you can track your employees location and get idea on what they are upto and whether they are where they are supposed to be. With Workstatus, no matter where your employees are located, you will always know exactly where they are and whether they’re working efficiently or not.

Monitor Real-Time Location

8. How can employees generate proof of work? Does the Workstatus time tracker record the screen?

Workstatus is a time tracking software with screenshots taken at fixed or random intervals, the app does not record the screen. Your employees can record proof of their work and managers too get to view these screenshots to be recorded as proof of work for projects and clients.

On top of these screenshots, managers also get reports on employee website/app usage activities which help them understand how the employee’s workday was utilized and how best it can be optimized to get better performance. You can very well call Workstatus time tracker a performance enhancer too.

Workstatus also provides real-time insights at multiple levels. Employees can self-manage their time by viewing their own reports. Managers can manage their team members and all insights together can be retrieved from a centralized location. Set benchmarks and alerts for the employees to improve their performance and best utilization of the app to record work hours.

Activity Rates

9. Is time tracking solutions right for my business? Can it help me increase my ROI too?

Yes definitely. Businesses of all kinds, sizes, industries, and verticals use a time tracker for employees to keep track of employee time and attendance. Let’s take a look at what type of industries have experienced our assistance.

  • Manufacturing- You might be in charge of different locations if you work in the manufacturing sector. This implies following a variety of pay standards, conforming to local, state, and federal legislation across several regions, all while tracking overtime hours and absenteeism in real-time. Distance may make workforce scheduling complicated and tedious that’s why time tracking software is essential rather than a being choice.
  • IT Industry- In the IT industry on one side organizations want to track their employees billable hours and on the other side, employees also want their actual productivity recognized at the time of performance evaluation, accurate reports to show their effectiveness, activities completed, time spent on projects committed to them. In order to maintain complete transparency, time tracking for teams and Employee Monitoring software is suggested for organizations to get real reports and insights of employees.
  • Transportation and Logistics- In the transportation and logistics sectors, pressure to work on time is significantly higher. This is due to the fact that roughly 67% of the workforce, including drivers and freight handlers, are directly involved in delivering on time. Transportation companies may use efficient time tracking software to keep track of data, enhance employee scheduling, measure productivity, and more. may use efficient software to keep track of data, enhance scheduling, measure productivity, and more.
  • Accountants – Good book-keeping is essential for an accountant. When your company is preoccupied with tax or audit on bill-per-hour, or fixed-fee basis, it’s important that you must track your time spent on several initiatives and clients during working hours. Workstatus allows you to maintain track of multiple tasks and invoices clients accurately while saving you time from your own.
  • Consultants- Workstatus is a time tracking and billing software that helps you grow your consulting business faster. The number of billable hours you put into specific projects is, no matter what, are highly important to be measured. Workstatus allows you to keep track of how much time you’ve spent on each project, as well as how many billable hours you’ve been working so that you can make sure you’re billing for everything correctly.

These were some industries that can experience higher ROI if they use employee time tracking tools like Workstatus.

Because Workstatus can track your employees, you’ll be able to see what tasks they are currently working on and where inefficiencies lie. By using Workstatus, you can increase employee satisfaction because each task will have a clear due date attached. This allows employees to plan their time accordingly and prioritize more efficiently and finally impacts your bottom-line.

If you want to see whether Workstatus exactly serves your business or industry requirements of employee time tracking, ask for a free demo.

10. How to get employees to track time?

Before knowing how to keep track of employees time, you should know how to introduce time tracking concepts to employees. Here are some points that can help you –

  • Make employees familiar with the time tracking benefits: Explain the time tracking benefits for both the individual and the company. Time tracking can help employees to be more productive and efficient by showing how they’re spending their time. It can also help managers track employee productivity and identify areas where improvements can be made. For the company, time tracking helps track project progress and optimize resources.
  • Answer employee’s doubt: Let employees know they can always come to you if they have any questions or concerns about time tracking.
  • Identify and appreciate productive employees: Let employees understand that time tracking is not meant to be a burden but a tool that can encourage them to be more productive and efficient.
  • Choose user-friendly time tracking tool: Encourage employees to track their time using a tool or app that is easy and convenient for them. This will help ensure that they use the tool effectively and see first-hand the benefits of time tracking.
  • Respect employees privacy and personal needs: Assure teams that time tracking will not micromanage them or track their every move. Time tracking should only measure productive hours spent on specific tasks or projects, not monitor employee whereabouts or activities.

11. What is the best way to keep track of hours worked?

You can use time tracking app to keep track of hours worked. A time tracking app can be used to track the time you spend on specific tasks, projects, and clients.

There are a variety of free time tracking software available but one of the best options available these days is Workstatus. The app comes with a wide range of powerful features that allow for effortless time tracking:

  • Detailed Reports: You can generate comprehensive reports on how productive you are and look for ways to improve your productivity.
  • Reminders: Workstatus sends you timely reminders related to your tasks and projects. This ensures you stay on the right track and finish your assignments well in time.
  • Automated Tracking: Workstatus time tracker runs silently in the background and accurately tracks you much time you actually spend working.
  • Device Compatibility: Workstatus’ free time tracking software for freelancers is compatible with all hardware devices and recent versions of Android and iOS.
  • AI Dashboards: Workstatus comes with an AI-enabled dashboard that helps you analyse your working patterns, overall efficiency, and make improvements down the line.

If you are looking for a time tracking app that is easy to use and has features that other apps don’t have, then Workstatus is the best choice. Start with a free demo today.


What Workstatus™ Users Tell Us

“ Workstatus employee time tracking tool tells us the moments our people are being
productive and uses that data to help us create productive schedules, deadlines, and tasks. With a simple to use tool, we are able to make our employees more
productive while saving time we used to spend earlier. ”

“ We have further noticed that as a by product, our employees are also motivated to work harder and smarter by taking control of their time by having this app on their devices. ”


Eric Genge, UK

“ Glad that we moved to Workstatus and cut down on wasted time. We are now clutter- free, more managed and relaxed. Our people have reported a better work-life balance since we made the move. ”


Berry Jonas, USA

“ I was exhausted after working full days. I used to spend my entire day running around like crazy trying to finish everything. But things have changed since I made a shift to Workstatus time tracker. Coming home after work with time to spend with family is great. And picture not dreading the next day at work because I am less stressed and don’t feel like there’s too much on my plate. ”


Alaxandra Naogaokar, Israel

Get Answers For

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the Best Time Tracking Software for Your Business?

Workstatus is an excellent employee time tracking system that comes with an AI-powered time tracking functionality, Online timesheets, URL tracker, and screen-capturing abilities. Users also get the following perks using Workstatus –

  • Boost time management
  • Time tracker app for Android & iOS
  • Automate your administrative work of managing time sheets
  • Easy to manage attendance

What Can Time Tracking Software Do for Your Company?

Time tracking software like Workstatus can help your company in several ways. It helps you track the time spent on each task and project, monitor employee productivity, identify areas where productivity can be improved, and allocate resources efficiently. Additionally, it helps you bill clients accurately, avoid billing conflicts, and maintain accurate records of employee hours worked.

Is There an App to Track Employee Hours Easily and Efficiently?

Workstatus is available as a desktop app (Windows, Mac, Linux, & Browser extension) and mobile app(Android & iOS). It allows employees to track their hours easily and efficiently. They can start and stop timers for each task or project, add notes, and assign time entries to specific clients or projects. The app also includes GPS tracking & geofencing, which helps you monitor remote & field employees’ location during work hours.

How to Track Remote Workers' Productivity with Time Tracking Software?

Workstatus makes tracking remote workers’ productivity easy.  With its time tracker with screenshots assistance, you can monitor their location, track the time spent on tasks, and see their activity levels throughout the day. This helps you ensure that remote workers are productive and focused on their work.

How to Track and Improve Employee Performance When They Work from Home?

Workstatus helps you track and improve employee performance when they work from home by providing you with detailed insights into their daily work habits. Features like a time tracker with screenshots allow you to see how much time they spend on each task, how many breaks they take, and how productive they are throughout the day. With this information, you can identify areas where improvements can be made and provide feedback and training to help employees improve their performance.

Why Is Time Tracking For Employees So Important for Your Business?

The amount of time your team works is easily visible with time tracking. Time tracking for employees also provides better ROI through the following benefits-

  • Bill and pay accurately
  • Better project management
  • Boost productivity
  • Provide transparency
  • Better communication among team members

How Does Time Tracking Tool Work to Boost Your Business Productivity?

To start with time tracking, simply click or touch the start button on the desktop or mobile app. Employees’ time will be recorded until they stop the timer. Workstatus app is capable of detecting when they’re not working and displaying an alert, helping them in deciding whether to keep non-working hours or not. Here’s how you can start with the time tracking tool-

Install -> Start timer -> Tracking -> Stop timer-> Download online timesheet

How Often Does Employee Tracking Software Take Screenshots to Monitor Activity?

It varies depending on the employee time tracking software, but generally, it takes screenshots every few minutes. You can customize Workstatus to take screenshots at particular intervals, such as every 10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc., as per your needs.

Can Time Tracking Software Record Employee Screens and Boost Efficiency?

Yes, time tracking software like Workstatus can record employee screens to help you monitor activity levels and improve efficiency. Automatic screenshots give you a better idea of what your employees are working on and help you identify areas where improvements can be made.


We Love To Hear From Our Users

Mask Group-1

Workstatus simplified our workforce management and HR operations. Workstatus allowed us to track attendance seamlessly and accurately. Employees can clock in and clock out with a simple tap on their smartphones. We can monitor attendance in real-time, generate attendance & productivity reports, and manage leave requests. I highly recommend Workstatus to any business that wants to automate their attendance tracking and improve HR operations

Ripple Nagpal
CEO of Execube Digital
Group 1000018788

I have been using Workstatus time tracking software for my team. I must say it has made a significant difference in my productivity and time management. The software is incredibly easy to use and it allows us to track our time accurately for each project and task. I highly recommend Workstatus time tracking software to any business looking to streamline their time management and maximize the productivity.

Chetan_CV Pabari
CEO of Opus
Mask Group

We started using Workstatus sometime back. It has given a good amount of improvement in productivity of our employee. We are able to track what they do and how much time they spend on each of our project. It gives us clarity on which project we need to spend more time and whether they are spending right amount of time over the project as well. We are also able to track if anyone is tampering with productivity and time. As a productivity tracker, Workstatus is really good. It has a good support team that resolved all our technical issues in no time. We are looking for a long term association with Workstatus.

CEO of Experts Bio
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