
Are you a digital agency struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving world of technology? Or are your in-house IT resources stretched thin, hindering your ability to grow & thrive in this competitive landscape?

If so, it’s time to consider harnessing the power of IT outsourcing.

Did you know? 

Globally, 78% of digital agencies that outsource their IT tasks have experienced the power of increased agility and business growth.

Source: Statista

IT outsourcing is quickly becoming one of the most desirable options for digital agencies, allowing them to access skilled personnel and specialized technologies quickly and cost-effectively.

However, with such great benefits come certain risks. To make the right decision about IT outsourcing, digital agencies must consider both the pros & cons of the solution.

In this blog, we will look at the advantages of IT outsourcing versus the potential risks associated with it.

By shedding light on both, we aim to provide valuable insights to optimize your outsourcing endeavors while maintaining accuracy, efficiency, and trust in your remote workforce management.

So, let’s get started.

What Is IT Outsourcing For Digital Agencies? 

IT outsourcing for digital agencies refers to delegating various information technology tasks and projects to external specialists or service providers.

Digital agencies that focus on web development, design, marketing, and related services often outsource certain IT functions to experts who can handle technical aspects efficiently.

This approach allows digital agencies to:

  • Access specialized skills
  • Reduce costs
  • Concentrate on their core business activities

Why Do Digital Agencies Outsource IT Projects?

IT comes under the most commonly outsourced tasks.

outsourced tasksHere are the reasons why digital agencies outsource:

Accelerated Project Timelines:

External IT partners can expedite project delivery by leveraging their expertise and resources, ensuring that digital agencies meet tight deadlines efficiently.

Access To Cutting-Edge Technology:

Partnering with IT specialists grants digital agencies access to advanced tools and technologies that may be too costly or complex to implement in-house, enhancing their service offerings.

Risk Mitigation:

Outsourcing IT projects shift potential risks and uncertainties to experienced partners, reducing the agency’s exposure to technical challenges, security threats, and regulatory compliance issues.

Resource Optimization:

Outsourcing allows digital agencies to allocate their internal resources efficiently, optimizing their workforce for creative and strategic tasks while leaving technical intricacies to experts.

Scalable Infrastructure:

External providers offer ‘pay as you go’ services that can meet the ever-changing needs of digital agencies, eliminating the need for upfront investments in over-dimensioned hardware and software.

Pros of IT Outsourcing

Cost Savings:

Outsourcing IT projects brings undeniable financial benefits to digital agencies.

By leveraging external expertise and resources, agencies can avoid substantial upfront investments and operational costs associated with maintaining an in-house IT department.

This translates to more efficient resource allocation and cost-effectiveness. The benefits include:

  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Lower infrastructure and equipment expenses
  • Savings on recruitment and training expenditures

Access To Specialized Skills:

Digital agencies often require diverse IT skills to deliver cutting-edge solutions to their clients.

Outsourcing IT tasks allows agencies to tap into a vast pool of specialized skills that may not be readily available in-house.

This access to expertise can enhance the quality of work & broaden the range of services offered. The advantages include:

  • Access to niche technical skills
  • Availability of experienced professionals in various domains
  • Opportunity to work with experts on specific technologies or platforms

Scalability & Flexibility:

The dynamic nature of the digital landscape demands the ability to scale up or down swiftly based on project requirements.

IT outsourcing offers digital agencies the flexibility to expand their capabilities without the limitations of internal resources.

This adaptability is crucial for handling projects of varying sizes and complexities. The perks include:

Focus on Core Competencies:

For digital agencies, focusing on their core competencies, such as creative design and marketing, is essential for success.

Outsourcing IT functions enables agencies to concentrate on what they do best while leaving technical tasks to experts.

This streamlined approach enhances overall efficiency. The advantages include:

  • Uninterrupted focus on core business activities
  • Enhanced innovation and differentiation
  • Reduced management complexity by delegating technical aspects

Time Efficiency:

Time is a valuable asset in the fast-paced digital landscape. Outsourcing IT projects enables digital agencies to expedite project timelines and meet client deadlines more effectively.

The ability to allocate tasks to specialized teams helps achieve quicker turnaround times. The benefits include:

  • Faster project initiation and execution
  • Reduced development and testing cycles
  • Improved time-to-market for digital products and solutions

Risk Mitigation:

Digital agencies can mitigate risks associated with technology projects by outsourcing to experienced IT partners.

These partners often have the required experience managing and mitigating various technical risks, ensuring smoother project execution. The advantages include:

These were the significant pros of outsourcing IT projects for digital agencies.

Now, let’s take a look at the potential cons.

Cons of IT Outsourcing

1. Difficulty In Verifying Work Hours:

One of the challenges of outsourcing is ensuring accurate work-hour reporting.

Verifying remote employees’ work hours can be a hurdle without proper tools, potentially affecting transparency and billing accuracy, which can lead to:

  • Time tracking discrepancies lead to billing disputes
  • Difficulty in confirming the authenticity of reported hours
  • Lack of real-time visibility into work hours

Solution 1: Emphasizing The Role Of Time Tracking & Online Timesheets:

Progress Tracking

Time tracking tools, such as Workstatus, can help digital agencies ensure accurate work hours and timely visibility into employee activities.


Online timesheets enable anytime, anywhere access to data related to employee work hours and reporting accuracy for efficient oversight. This helps in:

  • Accurate time tracking for precise billing and payroll
  • Real-time monitoring of work hours and activities
  • Online timesheets for easy verification and record-keeping

2. Difficulty In Monitoring Remote Workers’ Location:

Managing remote employees‘ locations and ensuring they work from designated areas can be challenging.

This lack of oversight might lead to concerns about employee accountability, time theft, and work validation, resulting in:

  • Uncertainty about remote employees‘ whereabouts
  • Difficulty in ensuring work is conducted within approved locations
  • Potential breaches of confidentiality due to work in unauthorized spaces
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Solution 2: Introducing GPS Tracking With Selfie Validation & Geofencing: 


Workstatus offers GPS tracking features that allow agencies to track remote employees’ locations in real-time.

Geolocation Tracking

Selfie validation ensures the employee is physically present, and geofencing adds an extra layer of location-based monitoring. This innovative solution:

Promotes transparency

Boosts accountability

Simplifies the management of remote workers

This solution addresses:

3. Security & Productivity Concerns 

Outsourcing often raises concerns about data security and the productivity of remote teams.

Worries about information leaks, subpar work quality, and missed deadlines can result in:

Solution 3: Highlighting Activity & Productivity Monitoring Tools: 

AI-Powered Reports

Workstatus provides activity monitoring features that offer real-time insights into remote employees’ tasks and productivity levels.

Active-screenshots-minScreen captures, and activity logs allow agencies to gauge work efficiency and ensure data security. The benefits include:

4. Challenge In Managing Outsourced Projects Seamlessly:

Coordinating and managing projects involving remote teams can be complex.

Without proper tools, agencies may face difficulties in task delegation, progress tracking, and project collaboration, leading to:

  • Delays in project timelines due to mismanagement
  • Inefficient allocation of tasks and resources
  • Lack of transparency in project progress

Solution 4: Introducing Workstatus Project Management Features: 

ProjectWorkstatus offers project management capabilities that facilitate task assignment, progress monitoring, and communication.

This streamlines project coordination ensures timely updates, and enhances collaboration. The advantages include:

  • Efficient task delegation and resource allocation
  • Real-time visibility into project progress
  • Centralized communication and collaboration

5. Difficulty In Gaining Insights Into Remote Team Performance:

Understanding the performance of outsourced teams can be challenging without relevant data.

This lack of insights might hinder performance optimization, skills development, and overall team enhancement, leading to:

  • Inability to identify areas for improvement
  • Lack of data-driven decisions for performance enhancement
  • Challenges in recognizing and rewarding high-performing team members

Solution 5: Presenting AI-Powered Reports: 


Workstatus leverages AI to generate comprehensive reports on remote team performance.

These reports offer insights into productivity, work patterns, and strengths, helping agencies make informed decisions for continuous improvement. This solution offers:

  1. Data-driven insights for performance evaluation
  2. Identification of top-performing individuals and areas needing attention
  3. Enhanced strategies for team development and motivation

6. Challenge In Billing Accurately

Accurate billing is crucial for digital agencies. The challenge lies in ensuring that clients are billed fairly for the work done. Several issues can hinder accurate billing:

  • Relying on manual time tracking methods can lead to errors and omissions in the billing process.
  • Untracked breaks or unproductive hours can lead to inaccurate billing.

Solution 6: Workstatus Simplifies Process With Invoicing Feature

Workstatus offers a solution to the challenge of billing accurately with its Invoicing Feature:

  • Workstatus automates time tracking, ensuring precise records of work hours.
  • Monitor project progress and any other changes in real-time to capture billable hours accurately.
  • Create professional and transparent invoices that instill trust in clients.

Accurate billing is essential for client satisfaction and agency profitability. Workstatus simplifies the process with its Invoicing Feature, making it an invaluable tool for digital agencies.

Incorporating these solutions by Workstatus can effectively address the cons of IT outsourcing, enabling digital agencies to:

  • Optimize their remote team management
  • Ensure data security
  • Enhance overall productivity and project coordination

Legal and Contractual Aspects

When we talk about IT outsourcing for digital agencies, the legal and contractual aspects also have an important role crucial role in ensuring a smooth and fair partnership. This section will explore some important legal considerations that digital agencies must know.

The Role Of Contracts And Agreements

For any outsourcing relationship, contracts and agreements are the backbone. 

  • They outline the expectations, responsibilities, and terms of the partnership between the digital agency and the outsourcing provider. 
  • These legal documents help set the ground rules, which can include project scope, timelines, payment terms, and more.

Key Terms And Clauses To Include In Outsourcing Contracts

It’s very important to include key terms and clauses in your contracts. 

  • These may cover issues like data security, intellectual property rights, termination conditions, and performance metrics. 
  • Including these elements helps ensure both parties are on the same page and reduces the risk of misunderstandings.

Legal Implications And Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Outsourcing arrangements are not without their challenges. Legal implications can arise from issues like breaches of contract or disagreements. To address these, contracts should also define dispute resolution mechanisms. 

  • This could involve mediation, arbitration, or litigation as a last resort. 
  • These help manage conflicts in a structured and legal manner, and reduce the risk of costly disputes.

Wrapping Up

IT outsourcing offers digital agencies a mixed bag of advantages and drawbacks. Finding the right balance is the right way to do this.

While it provides cost-efficiency and specialized expertise, potential challenges such as communication gaps and loss of control should be carefully weighed.

To navigate this landscape effectively, consider partnering with a solution like Workstatus, a proven platform that streamlines remote team management and enhances collaboration.

Leverage Workstatus for seamless IT outsourcing, maximizing your agency's growth.

Optimize Your Outsourcing Strategy Now

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