
Modern workplaces or organizations strive for their employees’ best performance and productivity. Sometimes, a few employees can experience a slight decline in their performance or fail to meet certain project deadlines. 

How can project managers motivate struggling employees to perform better? This question has become prevalent as employers search for ways to monitor remote employee performance.

Statistics show that 66% of organizations utilize PIPs to address performance issues, indicating their widespread adoption as a performance management tool.

Additionally, 58% of employees who complete a PIP improve their performance, highlighting the potential for positive outcomes.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into strategies for effectively measuring employees’ productivity on a PIP. 

By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to track progress, provide support, and ultimately help your employees succeed on their performance improvement journey.

Did You know? 

Organizations that effectively measure employee productivity experience a 21% increase in profitability compared to those that do not.

Searching for the right ways to measure productivity of employees in the workplace? A performance improvement plan (PIP) can offer employees a stable foundation for elevated success. 

In this blog, we will learn about the importance of employee productivity, the right ways to measure productivity, how a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) can be implemented, and more. 

Let’s get into it! 

What Is A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a structured and documented performance management tool organizations use to address and remedy employee underperformance. 

It is designed to provide a clear and organized framework for employees struggling to meet job expectations or performance standards. 

A PIP aims to help employees identify areas for improvement, establish goals, and provide the necessary support and resources to enhance their performance.

 Here’s how a PIP typically works:

Key Components of a PIP:

  • Clear Objectives

A PIP outlines specific performance areas that need improvement and sets clear, measurable objectives. It should define what success looks like for the employee.

  • Timeline

PIPs have a defined timeframe, typically 30 to 90 days, during which the employee is expected to meet the established goals.

  • Support and Resources

Employers must provide the necessary support, resources, and training to help employees achieve their goals.

  • Regular Feedback

Managers should offer consistent feedback and guidance throughout the PIP period, including positive reinforcement and constructive criticism.

  • Consequences

A PIP should specify the consequences if the employee fails to meet the outlined objectives. This could range from additional training to further disciplinary action.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

The employee’s progress is monitored throughout the PIP period, with regular check-ins to assess whether they are on track to meet their goals.

  • Decision Point: At the end of the PIP period, a decision is made based on whether the employee has successfully improved their performance. If they have, they may continue in their role. If not, further action may be taken.

Employee Well-being and Productivity

This blog will help you better understand how to measure the productivity of an employee on a PIP effectively.

Top 3 Benefits of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Measure Productivity

Source: TalentLMS1

1. Enhances individual performance

PIP is a great way to enhance individual (underperformer) performance by providing employees with meaningful goals, guidance, and feedback on their progress.

The PIP helps employees understand their responsibilities and set goals aligning with the company’s objectives.

It also provides employees with regular feedback on how they are doing and offers coaching support from supervisors.

2. Improves company culture

Performance Improvement Plans can improve a company’s culture by providing feedback, direction, and clear expectations to underperforming employees instead of letting them go. It allows companies to take proactive measures in recognizing areas of improvement while encouraging a productive, motivated workforce.

Furthermore, it encourages the development of better working relationships between staff members, helping them to collaborate more effectively.

This can result in increased job satisfaction for everyone involved and a healthier company culture overall.

3. Facilitates more efficient workflows

Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) can help facilitate more efficient workflows and processes by setting clear objectives and expectations.

They also enable organizations to identify weaknesses in current operations and find ways to increase efficiency.

PIPs also encourage employees to take ownership of their roles and strive for higher performance, thus enabling the organization as a whole to reach its goals faster.

What To Include In A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?

 After conversing with the worker, their manager should create a preliminary performance improvement outline and forward it to Human Resources for evaluation.

Below Infographics depicts major points that you should include in a performance improvement plan:

Performance Improvement Plan

How To Create An Effective Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?

A successful PIP should focus on attainable goals, set achievable timelines, and document progress and setbacks. Here is a step-by-step procedure for writing a PIP:


Begin by assessing the current performance issues.

Ask questions to clarify any areas of concern, consider input from supervisors and coworkers, and review existing job documentation or past performance evaluations as needed.


Create SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals that clearly define the expected outcome.

These goals should be clear and tailored to address the individual’s weaknesses while giving them enough room for improvement within their capabilities.


Identify any resources or assistance needed by the employee to meet the desired outcome of the PIP, such as additional training or one-on-one meetings with managers or mentors.

Establish milestones so that progress can be monitored throughout the duration of the plan and give clear feedback on what needs improvement at each stage along the way.


Make sure all parties involved know what is expected from them during this process, and keep communication open about any changes in the timeline or plans for achieving desired outcomes. It helps build trust between employees and management, allowing both sides to collaborate effectively toward success rather than putting up barriers of resentment due to miscommunication.

Review & Revise

Finally, create a system to monitor progress towards improvement goals so that you can check in with employees periodically and ensure they’re meeting expectations on schedule. It will also provide feedback if additional help or guidance is needed during the process.

Follow-up question: How to measure the productivity of employees on PIP?

Read the next section to know the answer;

Top 5 KPIs To Measure Productivity Of Employees On PIP

1. Average Performance Rating (APR)

APR allows employers to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of an employee’s performance and identify areas that may need improvement.

It is important for employers to set realistic expectations, provide timely feedback and support, and reward outstanding performances when calculating this metric.

2. On-Time Completion Rate

The On-Time Completion Rate is an effective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to measure employees’ productivity on PIP.

This metric is calculated by determining the number of projects completed in the assigned time frame and comparing it with the total number of projects initiated during that period.

It also measures how well the team and individual members perform against deadlines.

Furthermore, it provides insight into the processes that can be improved or implemented to enable future project completion within deadlines.

3. Quality of Work

Quality of work takes into account the overall quality and accuracy of the employee’s work, including aspects such as accuracy, timeliness, efficiency, and more. It also allows for qualitative analysis of the work and identifies any issues that need to be addressed to increase productivity and improve performance.

4. Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance KPI measures the percentage of days an employee was present at work, while punctuality KPI measures how often they arrived on time or before the start of their shifts.

Both these KPIs are important to monitor employee productivity, as having good attendance and punctuality are essential for employees to get their tasks done effectively.


5. Employee Engagement Score

The employee engagement score is a great KPI to measure employees’ productivity on PIP. It measures how emotionally committed and engaged employees are in their work, tasks, and objectives.

This score helps identify whether the employees have a sense of purpose, job satisfaction, and motivation.

Employee engagement scores can be monitored through various activities, such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc., to help managers assess the effectiveness of their management strategies.       

You must be thinking.

Is there any way to automate the productivity management of employees on PIP?

The answer is Yes.

Read the upcoming section to find your answer.

How Workstatus Helps In Measuring Employee Productivity?

Workstatus, a versatile employee productivity management tool, offers several features that can significantly aid employers in successfully executing Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) for their employees.

Here’s how some of its key features can prove beneficial:

1. Active Screenshots

Habit Tracker

  • Monitoring Employee Engagement: Workstatus allows employers to capture active screenshots at regular intervals, providing insight into the employees’ level of engagement with their tasks.
  • Evidence-Based Assessments: Employers can use these screenshots to evaluate the quality of work objectively and whether the employee is following the PIP guidelines.
  • Identifying Improvement Areas: Employers can pinpoint areas where employees may struggle or require additional support, aiding in tailored assistance.

2. Time & Productivity Reports

AI-powered Reports

  • Performance Metrics: Workstatus compiles detailed time and productivity reports, offering employers a comprehensive overview of how employees spend their time during work hours.
  • Goal Alignment: By comparing employee activities to the PIP objectives, employers can ensure that their efforts align with the plan’s goals.
  • Progress Tracking: These reports allow employers to track employees’ progress on a PIP, ensuring they are moving in the right direction and meeting their improvement targets.
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3. Activity TrackerEmployee Activity Tracking Software

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Employers can use the activity tracker to monitor the real-time actions of employees, including the websites and applications they are using.
  • Accountability: The activity tracker promotes accountability by ensuring that employees adhere to the guidelines outlined in the PIP.
  • Data-Driven Feedback: Employers can provide constructive feedback based on the tracked activities, making the improvement process more actionable and specific.

4. Attendance Tracking:attendance-punch-in-out

  • Streamlined Record-Keeping: Workstatus offers an attendance tracking feature that simplifies the process of recording employee work hours and absences.
  • Compliance Assurance: Employers can ensure that employees on a PIP adhere to their work schedules, enhancing compliance with the plan’s requirements.
  • Data for Evaluation: Attendance data aids in evaluating an employee’s commitment to the improvement plan and whether they consistently show up for work.

5. iOS and Mobile Apps:


  • Mobile Accessibility: Workstatus provides iOS and mobile apps, enabling employers and employees to access the platform conveniently from their smartphones or tablets.
  • Remote Monitoring: Employers can keep an eye on employee activities and productivity even when they are working remotely or in the field.
  • Flexibility: The mobile apps offer flexibility for employees on a PIP to stay connected and continue improving their performance while on the go.

6. Central Dashboard:Dashboard 5

  • Data Consolidation: Workstatus’s central dashboard is a hub for all employee-related data, making it easy to track PIP progress and monitor key performance metrics.
  • Real-Time Insights: The central dashboard provides real-time information, allowing employers to make informed decisions and adjustments as needed.
  • Collaboration: Employers and employees can collaborate more effectively through a centralized platform, enhancing communication and feedback.
Elevate your PIP management with Workstatus.

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7.  AI Powered Reports:AI Powered Reports

  • Data Analysis: Workstatus utilizes AI-powered reports to analyze employee data and provide insights into their performance, helping employers make data-driven decisions.
  • Trend Identification: AI can identify performance trends and highlight areas where employees are improving or may need additional support.
  • Predictive Analytics: The AI reports can provide predictive analytics, offering a glimpse into future performance based on current improvement trends.

Collaboration: Employers and employees can collaborate more effectively through a centralized platform, enhancing communication and feedbackReady to unleash your team’s full potential? 

Workstatus is the tool you need.

Get started now with your 7-day free trial here>>

Closing Thoughts

As a manager, finding an effective way to address any problems with an employee’s performance can be daunting. Simple conversations that can point out the issues and desired outcomes rarely prove successful and can leave staff unsure of what action to take next.

An organized performance improvement plan facilitates employees and managers to follow the predetermined criteria, and it simplifies the process of dealing with outcomes when those standards are not fulfilled.

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